Previous Posts
Perspectives on running a 10K (6/7/22), The apartment economy: omnicron symptoms on 29th ave (5/23/22), Engagement & Celebration Trip (5/16/22), Avis rent-a-car review (5/2/22), A hodgepot of thoughts 8.0 (4/25/22), A guest hodgepot of thoughts 1.0 (4/18/22), Preserving family history- We are more than names and dates (4/11/22), Does not meet minimum requirements (4/4/22), Runts by Katherine (3/28/22), Oscar predictions 2022 (3/21/22), Springtime (3/14/22), Poker (3/7/22), The last few weekends (2/28/2022), Bog scene 3: Amo, Tanks, and Planes - oh my (2/21/22), Guest posts 2.0 (2/14/22), Suberbowl square strategy (2/10/22), 30-minute walk (2/7/22), Bog scene 2 (1/31/22), Why you should become an actuary (1/24/22), Bog scene 1 (1/17/22), Christmas in Colorado (1/10/22), 1776 review (1/3/22), 2021 photo recap (12/27/21), A hodgepot of thoughts 7.0 (12/20/21), Christmas party (12/13/21), Yahtzee strategy (12/6/21), Green river (11/29/21), Brunch (11/22/21), A return to normalcy: I went to a concert recently and that was exciting (11/15/21), Venom 2 review (11/8/21), Hangers (11/1/21), Uhaul (10/25/21), Crazy investment idea (10/18/21), Starcraft (10/11/21), Blood donations (10/4/21), A hodgepot of thoughts 6.0 (9/13/21), New apartment (8/6/21), The market value of a rose (7/18/21), Dumb thoughts on retirement (7/11/21), Fun trip to Olympic National Park (6/28/21), Weird things I saw on the way home (6/16/21), Summer is coming (5/29/21), Alliteration (5/16/21), Failure to load (5/12/21), Facebook but for writers (5/9/21), Disposal of a mattress (5/5/21), Peaceful weekend (5/2/21), Realistic expectations 2.0 (4/28/21), Share the blog (4/25/21), Oscar predictions (4/20/21), Wallingford date (4/16/21), Three star dental review (4/14/21), Eateries because I can spell restraint (4/11/21), Realistic expectations (4/7/21), Dumb questions (4/6/21), Maverick (4/5/21), Almost scammed (4/4/21), Life update (3/25/21), Trying my hand at poetry (3/11/21), March Madness (3/5/21), Busy season (2/26/21), Dynamic verbs (2/23/21), Untold desire (2/22/21), How to sports gamble (2/19/21), You know you’re bad at laundry if… (2/19/21), Commentary on a past life (2/15/21), Heidi-kus (2/15/21), A hodgepot of thoughts 4.0 (2/11/21), 6 month anniversary (2/3/21), Can you be second hand pepper sprayed? (2/1/21), Book ranking algorithm (1/31/21), The subtle curse (1/25/21), Electricity bill (1/21/21), Falling down tangents & the living room (1/17/21), The bus (1/12/21), Thoughts on storming the capital but mostly click-bait (1/7/21), Guest posts (1/5/21), The spectrum of surprise (1/3/21), Travel thoughts (1/1/21), WW84 review (12/28/20), Gag Christmas gift (12/20/20), What’s the opposite of bread (12/18/20), New year’s resolution (12/15/20), Olympic manor (12/11/20), Poor observational skills - a poem (12/10/20), A list of lists (12/7/20), I’m not bad at technology but… (11/30/20), Writer’s block & the holidays (11/28/20), Favorite sports teams (11/21/20), So you want to talk about race (11/16/20), A hodgepot of thoughts 3.0 (11/11/20), Powell’s bookstore (11/9/20), Election thoughts (11/4/20), Mundane (11/3/20), You know your lazy if… & distressed jeans (10/30/20), To-do list (10/27/20), More political opinions (10/23/20), Political opinions (10/20/20), A hodgepot of thoughts 2.0 (10/16/20), The American dream (10/13/20), Volcano story part 1 (10/6/20), Editing (9/30/20), The game plan (9/29/20), Advice on writing (9/28/20), Vague descriptions (9/27/20), Ikea (9/26/20), You know you’re a bad cook if… (round two) (9/25/20), Things I hate (9/24/20), Things I love (9/23/20), Nothing to post (9/22/20), Too many Legos (9/20/20), Victory (9/19/20), Difficult tests (9/18/20), On writing (9/17/20), A hodgepot of thoughts (9/16/20), The worst burrito (9/15/20), Boring but good (9/14/20), Two philosophical questions (9/13/20), A dying fridge (9/12/20), Monday is the first day of the week (9/11/20), Before I sleep (9/10/20), Being tired (9/9/20), Design flaw (9/8/20), Style and grammar (9/7/20), The worst thing to say in an airport (9/6/20), The dictionary (9/5/20), A story about ice-cream (9/4/20), Rhetorical questions that I asked anyways (9/3/20), The world’s funniest joke (9/2/20), Lying at the gym (9/1/20), You know you’re a bad cook if… (8/31/20), Am I a bad person if I’ve peed on my cat (8/30/20).